Leek and Oat Savoury Pancakes

When it comes to endurance events the key is plenty of carbohydrate in the diet. Carbohydrate is the fuel your muscles use while you are exercising but stores in the body are small, so a regular intake of carbohydrate-rich foods is necessary to keep them topped up. Low stores will result in poor performance and increase the risk of injury. Choose carbohydrate foods that release their energy slowly such as the oats used in this pancake recipe and flavoured with the leeks and tomatoes.

Leek, Feta and Pomegranate Couscous

Research has shown that the best way to lose weight is to choose meals that help you feel fuller for longer while being low in calories. This means choosing meals that are balanced in carbohydrates, protein and plenty of fruit and vegetables. This couscous salad is a perfect match. The couscous provides some starchy carbohydrate, the feta provides protein and the leeks and other ingredients contribute to you 5-a-day whilst keeping the calorie content low.